Everything under one system

Linear has been built to act as a comprehensive ecosystem that connects you to the industry’s key partners and services.


If you wish, you can publish listings directly from the system to Etuovi, Oikotie, Vuokraovi and Kauppalehti (premises). Publishing to Linear’s own marketplace Dixu is completely free for users.

Financial service providers

Your buyer customers can easily apply for a mortgage decision by using the form found in the listing’s sales announcement. Zevoy, on the other hand, provides your business with easy management of credit card bills.

Online accounting softwares

The Netvisor and Procountor interfaces allow you to automatically transfer invoices directly from Linear to online accounting softwares.

Information services

Through the Linear system, you can order real estate sales documents from Suomen Asiakastieto. Thanks to the tax interface, you can i.a. declare several types of assets at once.

Electronic services

At Linear, electronic signatures and digital home sales are a normal part of everyday work. If necessary, you can also serve customers in the traditional way with manual signatures and agreements.

Document and legal services

The bill of sale templates for the new properties are from Rakennustieto, while other documents have been prepared by Properta, a law firm specialized in real estate. Housing and family law professionals at Lexly offer your customers benefits, including a 30-minute free assessment with a lawyer.

Marketing materials

You can order photos, virtual tours, digital stagings, floor plans and all other marketing materials needed for the sales announcement directly from the system. In digital stagings, it is possible to use authentic interior elements, such as Isku furniture and Drop outdoor pools. Thus, customers can concretely demonstrate the results illustrated in digital stagings.


Our partner Paikallinen Mainostoimisto will provide your company websites quickly and cheaply. It is possible to attach a list of your listings in Linear to your website. This will give your visitors the features Linear has to offer, such as a mortgage application form and direct contact requests.

Kokeile nyt kuukauden ajan veloituksetta!

Käytössäsi on kaikki mitä laadukkaaseen välitystyöhön tarvitset sekä alan uutuudet, joita muut eivät vielä tarjoa. Ja mikä parasta, siirtyminen Lineariin on helppoa; hoidamme kaiken avaimet käteen -periaatteella.


99 € / kk / käyttäjä

Linear-välitysjärjestelmä sisältää mm:


99 € / kk / käyttäjä

Linear-välitysjärjestelmä sisältää mm: