New customers without acquisition

Dixu is Linear’s service platform where consumers can sell their homes themselves or with the help of a real estate agent. Dixu does not have its own agents, thus we distribute these listings directly to Linear users. So basically you can get new customers without actual acquisition. And the best thing is, a lot of the background work has already been done for you.

Dixu is also a marketplace

Dixu also acts as a completely free property portal for the users of Linear system.

Hear it from our partner agent:

Being Dixu’s partner agent has been very smooth. Once Dixu has arranged the documents, photos and other materials needed, it is easy for the agent to continue with the sales process. In the marketing of Dixu’s properties, emphasis is placed on visuals and modern solutions, which raises the interest of buyers.

When investing in marketing materials such as digital stagings and virtual tours, it also raises the status of the agent as a sales professional. From the agent’s point of view, it is also remarkably easy to receive customers from Dixu without any acquisition work. I think Dixu is an agile service provided that wants to actively develop its operations and services.

Teemu Sainomaa

Sp-Koti Helsinki Tapanila

Kokeile nyt kuukauden ajan veloituksetta!

Käytössäsi on kaikki mitä laadukkaaseen välitystyöhön tarvitset sekä alan uutuudet, joita muut eivät vielä tarjoa. Ja mikä parasta, siirtyminen Lineariin on helppoa; hoidamme kaiken avaimet käteen -periaatteella.


99 € / kk / käyttäjä

Linear-välitysjärjestelmä sisältää mm:


99 € / kk / käyttäjä

Linear-välitysjärjestelmä sisältää mm: