Linear – We digitalize the real estate industry

Linear is a company that serves real estate professionals comprehensively, with the primary goal of digitalizing the industry’s outdated work practices. Our operations are strongly guided by customer focus, high quality standards, and the desire to influence the future of the real estate industry in a revolutionary manner. With these things in mind, we have created a user-friendly platform that allows all stages of home sales to be handled effortlessly under one system.

The story of Linear

Linear’s story began back in 2018 when our first service, Dixu, was released. While working on that project, we met with several real estate agents and heard about the challenges they faced with the large amount of manual work. The lack of modern services was also impossible to ignore, so we decided to bring a solution to the market – Linear.

Linear lukuina

0 %
Market share (12/21)

Would you like to join our team?

There is no shortage of momentum in our days, as we are a startup with a big mission; the digitalization of the entire real estate industry. However, it is never too busy to spend time together, and it is important to us that our team meets regularly also other than for work. We believe this is the secret of our close work community, of course, in addition to the fact that our team consists of great people. Our activities are not slowed by unnecessary hierarchy, but instead, all team members get their voices heard.

Kokeile nyt kuukauden ajan veloituksetta!

Käytössäsi on kaikki mitä laadukkaaseen välitystyöhön tarvitset sekä alan uutuudet, joita muut eivät vielä tarjoa. Ja mikä parasta, siirtyminen Lineariin on helppoa; hoidamme kaiken avaimet käteen -periaatteella.


99 € / kk / käyttäjä

Linear-välitysjärjestelmä sisältää mm:


99 € / kk / käyttäjä

Linear-välitysjärjestelmä sisältää mm: